James Altham
1974 - Present
James became a director in 1993 after spending his childhood working in the family-owned farms and the butchery business. He joined the butchery business full time in 1994.
James became Managing Director in 2000 after his father decided to dedicate more time to his farms.
Since then, through dedication and hard work we have grown the business from a regional supplier in the North West and surrounding counties to one of the largest independent family-owned and run butchery businesses in the UK, with a distribution network capable of covering the country.
We achieved this by investing in our site, our team, making the most of IT and the excellent regional meat the UK has to offer.
Quality is of utmost importance and together with our service levels and innovation James and his team have created a butchers which can only be regarded as high class and state of the art, something which is a credit to each generation.
The Althams family all have left their marks on the development and growth of the business, from James’ parents Thomas and Val, who first recognised the potential of the catering trade, to the founder The Late Late Thomas Altham, and with the 6th generation in training Althams will only continue to live up to its potential.